Monday, June 29, 2015

Country Kids

June 29, 2015
Today was so much fun as Shakespeare, the gentle Great Pyrenees aka The Good Guy, Tabitha the Fainting goat....yes there is such a breed, Timmy the 34 year young mini-horse with the Cowboy, Mr. Bentley Carson Pizzi-Miller in the "saddle".  Each of them enjoy each other's company.  Shakespeare always comes to visit and Tabitha and Timmy welcome him and consider him one of their "herd".  Mr. Bentley is ever so excited to be on a high horse and perhaps take a roll in the pasture for the O-do-horsy.. then it's bath time. 
It is such a pleasure to see the peace among the group enjoying a beautiful day together.

Shakespeare makes new friends along his walks too.



  1. That is awesome! I love animals. Right now the house I live in (with my aunt and uncle) has two dogs, two cats, and a fish. But only one dog, the fish, and part of one cat, are mine. (The black cat is only partly mine because she really belongs to my cousin but he moved to Ecuador.) I really want to get some goats and some ducks, but I have to wait until I get my own place!

  2. It's just amazing,.
    I enjoyed with your description.
    That was so much fun with dogs walk..

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