Tuesday, January 16, 2018

Certified Professional Pet Sitter education

Thankfully there is on going education provided through professional organizations such as Pet Sitters International.  Sharing information to loving pet parents to help provide greater understanding of how we can care for our "kids" is one of my great passions.  As a certified professional pet sitter I review domestic, exotic, health care, emergency care, security plans, business etiquette, communication skills and heightened awareness of the responsibilities of being a hired professional.

My vision for 2018 is to help coordinate educational opportunities.  Such as Dr. Marci Koski, the Feline Behaviorists offers to better understand our feline companions.  http://www.felinebehaviorsolutions.com/
Be sure to get on her mailing list for upcoming events.  Many of my clients are benefitting from her training and solutions for a purrfect life.

I look forward to hearing what areas you may wish to expand your knowledge.  2018 is full of pawsibilities.

May we continue to learn to be our best together.